Case Study
Experiment Proceudre
- Step 1. A user sits in front of a desk.
- Step 2. The user types a PIN '06107' on an iPhone 11, using a pointing finger.
- Step 3. An attacker collects CSI while the user is typing the PIN.
- Step 4. The attacker infers the typed PIN utilizing the observed spatiotemporal property.
- MATLAB 2021 or higher
- Optional: MATLAB Parllel Computing Toolbox for faster processing
Codes Utilized for the Experiment
- Collect typing CSI using two USRPs (one TX, one RX)
- Pre-process and plot the collected CSI
- Obtain single-keystroke waveforms by performing segmentation
- Extract spatoptemporal feature vector
- Launch WINK to obtain candidate PINs
- Figure 6 in the paper presents the raw CSI and the processed CSI with the identified single-keystroke waveforms.